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TSDWIN.CH MUST be included to use the following macros.

All these macros return values as indicated. Use them in function
calls to get the appropriate information.

WINTOP    - Top line of the active window

WINLEFT   - Left column of the active window.

WINBOTTOM - Bottom row of the active window.

WINRIGHT  - Right column of the active window.

WINLENGTH - Length of the active window.

WINWIDTH  - Width of the active window.

WINHANDLE - Handle of the active window.

WINSHADOW - Current shadow type.

WINTHICK  - Thick or thin shadows.

WINTITLE  - Reference to the current title array.

WINCOLOR  - Current window color

WINFCOLOR - Current frame colour, may be type 'C' or 'A'.

WINFRAME  - Current frame type.

GETSTACK  - Reference to the window stack array.

See Also: twOpen()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson